Friday 18 November 2011

MPW Assignment

                                                       Here comes our official trailer. 

Any comment? 
Maybe for others, it is just an ordinary video and it doesn't give any influences or cause any laughter. 
Yet it is a result from our hard works. 
We spent a lot of time and heart in order to get this tiny thingy done. 
I strongly believe that if more time and cooperation is given, it will be more interesting and fantastic. 
Hopefully there is a next time for us to gather together and work out for something else. 
Truly this work has tighten our relationships, our friendships. ♥ 

Here are some of the TMO photos. Enjoy it. (:

Have a nice day. (:

Thursday 27 October 2011

ENL Assignment - Baby Dumping

    Through my readings regarding the baby dumping issue, I understand that baby dumping is an illegal action which goes against the humanity. Some of the people just dump their new born babies to the public places without any feeling of sympathetic, such as roadside, lanes which less people pass by or even in the garbage. They never think of the bad effects may happened on them, the baby and also the society. Do babies deserve such treatment as rubbish? Baby dumping is considered as crime, but this act is also cries for aid.
Recently, there are a lot of cases about baby dumping happened all around the world, majority among the teenagers. Baby dumping is a seriously wrong path because it may bring a lot of bad images in the society. As we all know, most of the baby dumping cases arise among the young ladies because of their careless and innocence. Some of the ladies get pregnant without their wants and acknowledgements. These ladies are confused over their decision either to born the baby or abort him or her. Eventually, they intend to born the baby out yet abandon him or her at public places. This action is so cruel.
The government has paid much attention and efforts in order to encounter this social issue. The government has been organizing all kinds of campaigns and events to solve this social problem. For example, campaign for the teenagers about how to protect them, prevent under aged sexual intercourse and pregnancy at teenage ages, campaign for the young ladies of the impacts of baby dumping besides the campaign for the guys regarding the responsibilities as a man and ways to prevent pregnancy.
Apart from this, the communities should take parts in preventing baby dumping from occurring by supporting and reassuring the mothers. Undeniable, parents do play the most important role in reducing the baby dumping cases. Parents are the good examples for the children during the period of growth. Parents should give their children a proper education since small and teach them the good moral values in their life. Appropriate protections and cares toward the children must be given by the parents so that the percentage of pregnancy among teenage can be reduced effectively.
Anyway, the abandonment of babies is impossible to be excused. The defendant will be charged and fined under the laws due to the illegal abandonment of a baby. This offence results in a maximum of seven years of jail or a fine of RM5000 or both. Apart from the fines, these people will also be excluded and boycotted by the society. This is not only happened to the individual but also his or her family members. So, why should we obey the rules and do something illegal?

Baby dumping is usually happened among the young couples or those who comes from poor family. Some of the couples get pregnant because of careless and they do not have any heart prepare to the idea of parenthood. Their thinking is still naïve and they are not ready to take the responsibilities and tasks as a father and a mother. This results in the ignorance of their responsibilities toward the baby. Thus, they decide to dump the baby without much considering. They feel that baby will add on their puzzles and is a huge and heavy burden for them to carry.
 New mothers, especially young ladies will feel stressed over the changes to become a mother. Becoming a mother is a new challenge for most of the ladies. It does add on burden to the new mothers directly, indirectly or both. Thus, the mothers become emotional and depressed uncontrollably. These sufferings cause them to think negatively then finally make the wrong decision, which is dump the baby. In this condition, some of the man is rather to ignore his wife or encourage her to do such illegal action. In fact, the man should show their cares and loves to his wife in order to prevent baby dumping from happening.
Apart from this, poverty of family is also one of the factors that caused the abandonment of babies. Some of the families are unable to support the appearance of new member, which is a baby in their family. Thus, they are forced to sacrifice and dump the innocent babies. They are unable to afford the expenses toward the baby, such as milk powder, pampers, medicines and so on. They also think of the amount they have to spend on the child in the future for his or her studies. All of these factors result in the dumping of baby to be occurred.
Influences from peers and movies are also cause baby dumping case to increase day by day. Nowadays teenagers are easily affected by the others and this result in the mimicking to be happened. They try to search for a partner and try to have sexual intercourse with him or her. They just enjoy the feeling of trying out new things and they feel that it is very fun to challenge the illegal actions, which is under aged sexual intercourse. Without a proper prevention and protection, pregnancy may occur. Thus, they become lost and finally choose to dump the baby without taking care of him or her.

        i.            c i.   There are many impacts of baby dumping on the society. First of all, baby dumping will affect the society normal growth. The action of baby dumping will be mimicked by people all over the world and this issue will become wider day by day. More and more people will choose to dump the baby when they encounter any financial problems or emotional changes. Most cases of baby dumping are using the way that throws a baby into the trash and these shows the cruelty of human. Eventually, negative views from society appear.
In addition, when a baby is being dumped, he or she loses a proper home for him or her to grow at the same time. They baby might be kidnapped by people who use child to earn money or just taken by other people who see the baby or being sent to orphanage. Without a proper family, it is impossible for a child to grow healthily and happily. This will then results in the increasing of crimes all around the world due to the negative deeds from the bad-influenced children. Eventually, people will not be able to own a stable and comfortable life.
When the criminal level in a country increases drastically, for sure the government will have to spend more resources in order to solve it. This makes the government forced to shift some resources, such as people, finance, and equipment from some other issues.
Besides that, when a baby is being dumped, he or she might have lost his or her life. It is so sarcastic when a couple has decided to give birth of a baby but then dump him or her without bothering his or her safety. This couple is considered as murderer because they kill the baby indirectly. This situation will result in people always stay in scared and worries because they do not know when and where they may see a dead body of baby.
        i.            ii.    Moreover, baby dumping will influence the nation too of course. If the case of baby dumping increases momentously in a certain country, it will reduce the population in the country when the baby dumped is dead. The lack of population causes the growth and development of the country to be dragged behind. The country will not be able to move forward to achieve its aims and goals. Follow by this, all kinds of social and economic problems may arise, such as crimes like robbers and economic recession, and then lead to lose of jobs and so on.
In addition, the reputation of the country will also be spoiled if the baby dumping issue is serious. People from other countries will not think of migrating to a country which is facing a drastic baby dumping issue. The confidence from people all around the world toward the country will also be affected if baby dumping issue increasing without any solutions. People will not have the interest to invest in the country which having great social issue like baby dumping. Thus, the nation incomes will be affected and reduced.
When the nation incomes are being influenced, the quality and standard of living of people will be affected too. The government is not able to support and give more subsidies to the people in a country yet they charge a higher rate of taxation to the people. This makes the people to be suffered all the time and cannot purchase their wants and needs. As a result from this situation, the market will be undergone a drop in demand and the suppliers will be losing much of money. 

Tuesday 27 September 2011


1. We walked through the glorious streets queued with flowers.
2. Ah Beng was impatient because the class was uninteresting.
3. Psychologists have found out the attitude of children from divorced family.
4. An angry customer rushed into the manager's room.
5. The two eyewitnesses have to declare about the accident in the court.

My partner: Ansen Lee

Sunday 11 September 2011

Saturday 10 September 2011

 A  I  ? 
First of all, let me introduce myself to all of you. My name is Sabrina Fong and my friends used to call me Sabrina. I have been staying on the earth since 23rd July 1993 and I'm officially 18 now. It's a great age right? (: Well, my mom gave birth of me in Manhattan, New York, as she was working there. I came back to Malaysia when I was still a one-year-old child and have been staying in Ipoh, Perak until now. So, am I considered as an American-born Chinese? There are five members in my family. They are much to be appreciated. 
*remember to give me a wish on my birthday. (: 

I'm a person who loves to make friends. Many people said that I look unfriendly but actually I'm not. Those who knows me should know this right? (: I love to eat, love to sleep,love to watch movies. Last but not least, do enjoy singing when there are puzzles in my heart or insomnia. Previously, i used to bring laughter to my friends in secondary school. I talked nonsense yet I was not troublesome. Haha Anyway, recently i found that my sense of humor is decreasing. Why is it happened? I don't know. What i wished for my birthday? 'Everyone is happy, it's more than enough.' (:

What I dislike? Hate? Abhor? Seriously, I dislike to stay away from home. It makes me feel so lost when I meet problems and I have to be independent all the time. I hate hot weather because it makes me sweat through and feel frustrated. However, I do enjoy sunshine. (: I abhor liars and backstabbers. Once you lie to me, I will never fully trust you anymore. So, never try to lie me. I treat people in the way how people treat me. 

That's all about me. Hope you all enjoy reading my blog. Smileee (: 

W H A T  A R E  M Y  G O A L S  ?
Sabrina's goal 1: To achieve good results for the current courses.
Sabrina's goal 2: To save own money for trip during end of this year without using parents'. 
Sabrina's goal 3: To get good offer of scholarship for degree. *of course achieving good results is a must. 
Sabrina's goal 4: To further my studies at xxx. *keep this as a small secret in my heart okay? (:
Sabrina's goal 5: To get a stable career and earn lots of money. *provide comfortable and enjoyable life for my parents. & support my sister's studies. 
Sabrina's goal 6: To build up a family of course. *just when I feel that it's the right time and I have already succeed in my career. wait. a romantic, grand, unforgettable, full of wishes from friends wedding is needed!
Sabrina's goal 7: To leave footprints at all places over the world. *even the moon? nice.
Sabrina's life goals: To maintain my body weight at certain level. *50kg? I'm not greedy right?

Sabrina's goalsssssssssssssssss. There are many many more yet I couldn't list down all of them. These are just some of the common one. (: 

M Y  L I T T L E  F E E L I N G  T O W A R D S  W R I T I N G . 
Well, w-r-i-t-i-n-g. What does this word or these alphabets meant for me? Maybe for most of the people, writing is irritating, troublesome or wasting time and energy?  *Alright. If you really think of these, please throw all your thoughts away. Undeniable, I did hate writing previously and I found writing is a boring task. However, I started to fall in love with writing. (: Writing is a piece of task which plays an important role in our life. For example, when problems and unhappiness are gathering in your heart yet you have no one to talk to, you can just write down all of them as a diary either in a book or electronically. It helps a lot in releasing stress.  Besides, write more helps in improving our grammars and vocabularies. For me, the first step of writing is tough enough. Sometimes, my mind will just blank out. Is this happened because of lacking of writing? I think so. However, once the first word has appeared, it will be following by wordssss. The feeling of finishing writing an article or a post like what I'm doing now is great enough. *Although there might be some mistakes in it, but who cares? Human learns from mistakes right? 

I  L O V E  W R I T I N G *it will be more accurate if 'I love blogging' right? (: