Saturday 10 September 2011

 A  I  ? 
First of all, let me introduce myself to all of you. My name is Sabrina Fong and my friends used to call me Sabrina. I have been staying on the earth since 23rd July 1993 and I'm officially 18 now. It's a great age right? (: Well, my mom gave birth of me in Manhattan, New York, as she was working there. I came back to Malaysia when I was still a one-year-old child and have been staying in Ipoh, Perak until now. So, am I considered as an American-born Chinese? There are five members in my family. They are much to be appreciated. 
*remember to give me a wish on my birthday. (: 

I'm a person who loves to make friends. Many people said that I look unfriendly but actually I'm not. Those who knows me should know this right? (: I love to eat, love to sleep,love to watch movies. Last but not least, do enjoy singing when there are puzzles in my heart or insomnia. Previously, i used to bring laughter to my friends in secondary school. I talked nonsense yet I was not troublesome. Haha Anyway, recently i found that my sense of humor is decreasing. Why is it happened? I don't know. What i wished for my birthday? 'Everyone is happy, it's more than enough.' (:

What I dislike? Hate? Abhor? Seriously, I dislike to stay away from home. It makes me feel so lost when I meet problems and I have to be independent all the time. I hate hot weather because it makes me sweat through and feel frustrated. However, I do enjoy sunshine. (: I abhor liars and backstabbers. Once you lie to me, I will never fully trust you anymore. So, never try to lie me. I treat people in the way how people treat me. 

That's all about me. Hope you all enjoy reading my blog. Smileee (: 

W H A T  A R E  M Y  G O A L S  ?
Sabrina's goal 1: To achieve good results for the current courses.
Sabrina's goal 2: To save own money for trip during end of this year without using parents'. 
Sabrina's goal 3: To get good offer of scholarship for degree. *of course achieving good results is a must. 
Sabrina's goal 4: To further my studies at xxx. *keep this as a small secret in my heart okay? (:
Sabrina's goal 5: To get a stable career and earn lots of money. *provide comfortable and enjoyable life for my parents. & support my sister's studies. 
Sabrina's goal 6: To build up a family of course. *just when I feel that it's the right time and I have already succeed in my career. wait. a romantic, grand, unforgettable, full of wishes from friends wedding is needed!
Sabrina's goal 7: To leave footprints at all places over the world. *even the moon? nice.
Sabrina's life goals: To maintain my body weight at certain level. *50kg? I'm not greedy right?

Sabrina's goalsssssssssssssssss. There are many many more yet I couldn't list down all of them. These are just some of the common one. (: 

M Y  L I T T L E  F E E L I N G  T O W A R D S  W R I T I N G . 
Well, w-r-i-t-i-n-g. What does this word or these alphabets meant for me? Maybe for most of the people, writing is irritating, troublesome or wasting time and energy?  *Alright. If you really think of these, please throw all your thoughts away. Undeniable, I did hate writing previously and I found writing is a boring task. However, I started to fall in love with writing. (: Writing is a piece of task which plays an important role in our life. For example, when problems and unhappiness are gathering in your heart yet you have no one to talk to, you can just write down all of them as a diary either in a book or electronically. It helps a lot in releasing stress.  Besides, write more helps in improving our grammars and vocabularies. For me, the first step of writing is tough enough. Sometimes, my mind will just blank out. Is this happened because of lacking of writing? I think so. However, once the first word has appeared, it will be following by wordssss. The feeling of finishing writing an article or a post like what I'm doing now is great enough. *Although there might be some mistakes in it, but who cares? Human learns from mistakes right? 

I  L O V E  W R I T I N G *it will be more accurate if 'I love blogging' right? (: